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Focal length - Week 2

This week's activity was to take three portrait and three landscape photos, changing the focal lengths for the portraits but not for the landscape. It was a bit of a cloudy day so the sun was a bit in and out which is why the first photo is brighter than the other two.

My camera is a Nikon D5000, the lens is Nikkor 18 - 55mm 1:3.5-5.6 and I was shooting in A mode.

18mm - ISO 200 Aperture f5.6 Shutter speed 1/500

This photo looks a bit distorted as it was taken so close up in my sisters face. In the background you can see a lot of the yard.

35mm - ISO 200 Aperture f5.6 Shutter speed 1/640

This photo looks pretty normal and you can see a lot less in the background. I think this is my favorite photo as it's in-between both focal lengths, you can see the background but the photo isn't distorted.

55mm - ISO 200 Aperture f5.6 Shutter speed 1/500

This photo I honestly can't tell the difference between the 35mm and the 55mm except the background is a lot closer.

18mm - ISO 200 Aperture f6.3 Shutter speed 1/1600

The wide lens makes it so you can see more a lot more. The bushes are very close and the trees near the sky are all the way at the back so you can't see it very well.

35mm - ISO 200 Aperture f6.3 1/1600

This photo you can see a bit more down the hill, the house becomes a bit more noticeable and so do the trees near the sky. While the bushes in the foreground are nearly gone.

55mm - ISO 200 Aperture f6.3 Shutter speed 1/800

In this photo you can see everything really well and the trees are very defined except the bushes that were at the front are basically gone.


This was a very interesting activity especially with the portrait pictures seeing my sister not move but the background change only by changing the focal lengths and where I'm standing.

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